All Australian photographers who enter 'The Series' category will have their entry fee of $30.00 returned in kind by our sponsor Momento as a $30.00 voucher to be used on any of their online printing products. We love these guys!
The Theme
Photographers are asked to submit a series of photographs with the same theme.
The winning series of images from the 15 Australian finalists and the International winner will be shown as a multi-media slide show projection on the Shutterbug Award night.
The theme of the series is at the Photographer’s discretion, but each image in the series must be clearly linked by that chosen theme, E.g. The Beach, Day at the Races, Street Portraits, Landscapes, Fashion, India, Amazon Tribe, Surfing and so on. The list is endless……
The minimum number in the series is 15 images and the maximum is 30 images.
There is no limit to the number of photo series' submitted by any one photographer, but only one series will be selected for exhibition.
Digital submissions only
Shutterbug accepts digital submissions only (Prints or negatives need to be scanned and converted to digital files).
Files can be uploaded to a secure site for judging. Any Finalists chosen may be required to submit a CD or DVD for the final screening.
For more than one submission you will need to create additional albums. (You need to be logged in to do this and there is a fee for each additional album) See below.
Photos may be uploaded any time after payment has been received.
The final number and edit of images selected for projection will be at the discretion of the selection panel.
There will be Ten Finalists, Five Semi-Finalists and One International winner. The Top Three overall winners will be announced on the Shutterbug Award projection night with the overall winning photographer taking out major prizes plus the 2012 Shutterbug Award.
All Finalists will be notified as to the status of their entry.
All Finalists and Semi-Finalists work will be included in the Shutterbug Award book. Permission will be sought before publication.
File specifications
The original files should be as large as possible. (E.g. Taken with at least a 3.0 MB camera)
Preferred upload size is 3600 pixels on the longest size.
With a maximum of 300 DPI
Files need to be in JPEG Format.
Photoshop and similar software can be used to any degree the photographer would like, but no borders.
The images may not show the name of a photographer.
Entry Fee
The Entry Fee is $30.00 for the first series entered.
$10.00 for each additional series entered.
After your payment is cleared you will be able to create albums to upload your photos into.
The fee can be paid by:
Credit card with Paypal Cheque Money order Direct Deposit
Cheques and money orders to:
P.O Box 7087, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026, Australia.
Direct Deposit:
Acc# 134466
BSB: 802 084
Reference: The same name as on your Shutterbug account
Please note that The Shutterbug Award will publish the names of Finalists on press releases and on the website. All copyright for images remains with the photographer but we reserve the right to use photographs for the publicity and promotion of The Shutterbug Award and on our website.
Entry is currently closed. Thank you for your interest in the Shutterbug Award.